Monday, May 12, 2008

Witch Doctor in Alameda, CA

Seeing the Witch Doctor this afternoon was awesome to say the least. I had to fill out some paperwork about daily diet, medicine and vitamins I take, scars on the body, places I've traveled to, surgeries, trauma or car accidents, and much more... I was on page 4 of 345 when Dr. Eva Whitmore came and introduced herself and took me to her office. She agreed the paperwork was horrendous and told me I did not have to finish it. I honestly did not know what to expect but I was blown away. She reviewed my paperwork for a minute and asked me about the car accident, head trauma, and how long I've been diagnosed with narcolepsy. I explained everything and afterward she said, 'I'll be honest with you, but I know people diagnosed with narcolepsy and I do not think you have it.' Those may not have been her exact words, but you get the point. I was shocked but extremely happy at the same time. I'm on narcolepsy forums often and honestly all the individuals I communicate with do have narcoleptic symptoms much worse than I.
The examination began...
The first test was fascinating. She put a bottle of vitamins in the back pocket of my jeans, told me to place my left hand index and middle finger on the top of my head (she placed them on the pressure point of the hypothalamus gland). She told me to raise my right arm straight in front of me and she was going to push down and I had to try to keep it in place. I did great and was able to keep my arm straight. She took the bottle of vitamins out of my jean pocket and gave me a Sweet N Low packet of fake sugar to hold against my neck. As soon as I saw the sweet n low packet I murmured 'eww cancer' and she smiled. She told me to hold my arm out straight and strong again. She pushed and she managed to push my arm all the way down to my side! I was so confused. She laughed and explained that my body knew sweet n low was bad for my body so I lost all strength. I'm not doing a very good job explaining, but believe me, it was amazing!
She carried on doing tests with different vitamins. I would touch a pressure point on the top of my head (hypothalamus gland {where the chemical hypocretin, which regulates sleep is produced} Individuals with narcolepsy do not have enough hypocretin in their brain). I also touched points on the back of my neck, back, and the pinky toe of each of my feet. I'll sum this up instead: when Eva had me touch the pituitary gland pressure point and hold my right arm out- I was weak and she could push my arm down. When I would touch my hypothalamus pressure point and hold my right arm out- I could keep my arm out straight and strong. It was amazing. This was only after one session, but I think the results clearly point out my hypothalamus is strong (I may not have narcolepsy) and my pituitary gland is weak.
Regardless if I have narcolepsy or a pituitary gland problem Dr. Whitmore has given me some organic vitamins and hopes in a week I can start weening off of my Provigil prescription! Wahoo!
I am coming back to San Francisco in August for my brother's black belt test and belated birthday party so I will see her again then. I could possibly be prescription free in a few weeks. This is so exciting!

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