We took the ferry again to Hong Kong Island (minus Mr. Miagi) and took a tram for what seemed to be hours!
It was raining on and off so we thought this was the best & cheapest way to see everything.
We must have been on board for 2 hours! We were on the 2nd floor so we had a great view and wind so we were not so hot. Majority of the city was beautiful except for shark fin street. We got to a specific area where the signs started to say 'Joe's Shark Fin City' etc... I expected to see 1 or 2, but not 20 different stores! I wanted to cry (instead I got angry and cussed) and Fraser was nice enough to try to distract me. As you know I love sharks and am very educated about them, and the cause of their near extinction (fingers crossed it does not happen). But this was unbelievable. Every shop must have had 200-400 fins in a plastic box at the front door. Ahhhhh I wanted to get out and scream at everyone. I knew it was bad, but until you see something yourself, you have no idea how bad it really really is. I'm getting angry~ here is a happy picture...

This is going to make me seem like a hypocrite, but as far as I know most sushi fish are not close to extinction. Fraser & I went and enjoyed sushi. Not as good as I was expecting, but then again this is Hong Kong and not Japan. Still sushi, so I was happy :)
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