Thursday, August 28, 2008

worst golf swing ever

I've got my Mom's nice clubs so I'm playing golf now with Fraser. I've got a pretty good hit, and I can recognize a bad swing. This is the worst golf swing I've ever seen! It's so funny to watch though...

Monday, August 25, 2008

Visita mi página web

Yesterday I didn't leave the apartment, I sat at my desk allllll day to work on my web site. I'm getting the graphics down but I got a bit confused with loading everything onto the server. My brother came to the rescue and helped me upload everything and type the correct html, passwords, etc. I thought I'd be able to figure it out, apparently not. ha ha. I'm so glad I have my Spanish and English dictionary, that has speed up the process a lot.
Visita mi página web:
It is not finished yet (or even close) so it is going to look like a mess. I'll post again when it is

Friday, August 22, 2008

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly

Watch the movie, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. Talk about 'walking in someone else's shoes'... please watch this movie. It is emotional but worth it. Incredible movie.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

weird feelings

We had to renew our lease today, unfortunately. Originally we were ending our lease on October 21st, but considering neither of us are working that is a bit too soon. We decided to renew the lease for an extra 3 months, yay for inflation! We've been going at this for a few weeks now so something eventually has to work out. As Fraser's father, Ian says, 'throw shit at the wall until something sticks.' I'm hoping this Ukrops job will pull through. I'm still waiting for the call back on the final decision. Considering they called last friday to tell me I was still in the running, they should be calling back soon.
I'm sooooo looking forward to owning a house for the privacy, quiet, room, a back yard, a nice neighborhood to run around, neighbors, a driveway, a yard for a puppy, etc... Fraser and I figured when we get jobs and find a house we can always cancel our lease early. It was best to renew the lease; as they say better to be safe than sorry.
I got my hands on an English version of Adobe GoLive CS2 so I'm going to try to design the web site with that. The Spanish version of Dreamweaver CS3 was too difficult. I didn't learn graphic design spanish when I lived in Spain, so nothing makes sense! ha ha. Hopefully GoLive will work fine and I'll have up and running in no time.
Positive things: I get to see my brother next week, wahoo! He is going to kick some serious ass at his Black Belt test. I cannot wait! I might need to take a vicadin or drink an alcoholic beverage beforehand because watching him perform so well (almost non-human) I get very very worried beforehand. Who doesn't before a test right? (even if I'm not the one taking the test). I can't wait to celebrate his belated birthday, eat some amazing San Francisco food, feel the non-humid air, get on a plane, and spend time with my family. It's not often my brother, parents and my husband & I are all together!
Here is a good Olympic video...

Monday, August 18, 2008

I'm computer-ed out

I've spent 24/7 creating my web site (which is not finished, or even close) so I'm computer-ed out... here is the type of puppy Fraser and I want, so cute!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Daphne the Wombat

I needed to take a break from designing my web site so I took a look at a video. I know wombats are not 'pets' but I'd love to have one! I think this is hysterical...

Daphne Digging


I need a job.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

5 Ways to help Sharks

Pick up your trash. The majority of trash in our ocean comes from land-based activities and careless behaviors. Ocean trash alone kills over 100,000 marine mammals each year through ingestion and entanglement.

Shark bulletUse re-usable bags for groceries and beach trips. Single use bags consume valuable resources and can be mistaken for food by animals in the ocean.

Shark bulletAsk for sustainable seafood options at restaurants and markets. Market forces can help push managers to ensure responsible fishing.

Shark bulletSupport science-based fisheries management. Contact government officials and tell them to end overfishing and shark finning in the U.S. and internationally.

Shark bulletJoin Ocean Conservancy's International Coastal Cleanup - the world's largest network of volunteers working to improve the health of the ocean20% of sharks are threatened with extinction.

Ron Paul

I'm still voting for Ron Paul, no matter what!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Men's 4 x 100m

Who watched the Men's 4 x 100m free final last night? That was amazing! Australia was ahead at first, then France, then USA wins in the last length. I was watching and started jumping up and down on the sofa when I realized we could win.
France 3:08.32
Australia 3:09.91
Pretty amazing! I can't wait to see if Michael Phelps can pull off 8 Gold Medals! Wow.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Head to the Skies

Bearded Collie

Fraser and I went to Busch Gardens on Friday to see my friend Heather perform in Pet Shenanigans. She is an animal trainer there. The show was great, and we've seen it twice this summer. Fraser and I fell in love with the bearded collie they have, Fraggle. He is 4 or 5 years old and Fraser and I are hoping to adopt him if we get the chance. I'm sure someone else will scoop him up before we can. Fraggle absolutely loved Fraser, and kept biting his feet ha ha. Heather said it was because feet move fast, so Fraggle wanted to stop them. Too cute!
Here is a video of Heather and Fraggle during a performance:

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I just purchased the hosting and domain name for my future design website: DESIGNINMIND.ORG
Yay! Hopefully I will have it finished within a week, fingers crossed. I have to get my web design skills out and suck up all the information in the web design books I have from the library. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Happy Birthday Kory!

Today is my brother's birthday! Happy Birthday Kory! Here are some funny pictures of us when we were younger. He always dressed me up... I'm pretty crazy, and it is all his fault! ha ha. I love you!