Saturday, September 6, 2008

mother nature

My brother experienced an earthquake yesterday at 9pm in Oakland, California. Apparently they happen all the time and they are over in seconds. It would scare the crap out of me! Thankfully he is fine and only suffered a moment of surprise. I was at my parents house yesterday because I had an interview with Snow & Associates in Lightfoot. It would be a bit of a commute but I have my fingers crossed I get the job. I'd be a graphic designer (duh) and help the company market their product... helping people suffering from chronic health conditions like epilepsy. Right up my alley! We ended up spending the night at my parents and Hurricane Hanna rolled through this afternoon. There was a little bit of wind and rain so we decided to stay at my parents until the eye had passed to be safe. I'd hardly call that a hurricane! That is a good thing of course, but honestly if I hadn't watched the news and heard of the hurricane I would have never known! Hopefully the next one Ike will simmer down.

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