I call my Mother panicked and she says the lawn mower is most likely ruined and to call my Dad. He tells me to empty all the oil/gas into a coffee pot or any container and go buy more oil and fill it up the correct way. I felt like such an idiot! I went to Lowe's and an employee there told me everyone has done this, it was not a blonde moment. Right, I'm sure he was just saying that to make me feel better.
I got back to the house and filled up the gas tank and oil tank correctly. After 10 attempts at starting the engine, and 10 gassy explosions, it started. Phew! I mowed the lawn and felt pretty proud of myself. After the gas smell went away I got to enjoy the cut grass/onion smell. Love it.
I fertilized the yard and killed some more weeds too. Thankfully when Fraser got home I was all smiles and told him the story.
Mid afternoon I thought the day was going to be a disaster but thankfully I saved myself and the lawn mower and this did not happen!

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