Thursday, August 21, 2008

weird feelings

We had to renew our lease today, unfortunately. Originally we were ending our lease on October 21st, but considering neither of us are working that is a bit too soon. We decided to renew the lease for an extra 3 months, yay for inflation! We've been going at this for a few weeks now so something eventually has to work out. As Fraser's father, Ian says, 'throw shit at the wall until something sticks.' I'm hoping this Ukrops job will pull through. I'm still waiting for the call back on the final decision. Considering they called last friday to tell me I was still in the running, they should be calling back soon.
I'm sooooo looking forward to owning a house for the privacy, quiet, room, a back yard, a nice neighborhood to run around, neighbors, a driveway, a yard for a puppy, etc... Fraser and I figured when we get jobs and find a house we can always cancel our lease early. It was best to renew the lease; as they say better to be safe than sorry.
I got my hands on an English version of Adobe GoLive CS2 so I'm going to try to design the web site with that. The Spanish version of Dreamweaver CS3 was too difficult. I didn't learn graphic design spanish when I lived in Spain, so nothing makes sense! ha ha. Hopefully GoLive will work fine and I'll have up and running in no time.
Positive things: I get to see my brother next week, wahoo! He is going to kick some serious ass at his Black Belt test. I cannot wait! I might need to take a vicadin or drink an alcoholic beverage beforehand because watching him perform so well (almost non-human) I get very very worried beforehand. Who doesn't before a test right? (even if I'm not the one taking the test). I can't wait to celebrate his belated birthday, eat some amazing San Francisco food, feel the non-humid air, get on a plane, and spend time with my family. It's not often my brother, parents and my husband & I are all together!
Here is a good Olympic video...

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